Christy and Brian | Real Weddings
Wedding Inspiration

Christy and Brian HughesWedding: 18 October 2008

Our Wedding Day

Being an events planner myself, the months leading up to my wedding were extremely stressful...€  Planning and running events for my clients have always been such a breeze, but I guess now that this was my special day, everything had to be more than perfect.
I made everything myself, from the invitations, place cards, menu’s to table décor...€  I slaved for months to create my perfect wedding...€  Even the vases on the tables I bought myself and somehow managed to organised it all prior to my big day...€  With the help of friends, we all pulled off the most amazing event of my career!

The end result was an absolute fairy tale wedding!  I felt like a princess and was treated like one from beginning to end...€  Without the support of my amazing bridesmaids and supportive family, this day wouldn’t have been a success...€  Everything was perfect and exactly as I imagined it...€  We partied and celebrated through the night and I thoroughly enjoyed myself and my new husband...€  I married the man of my dreams and I am truly blessed to have a wonderful new extended family.

Advice to Future Brides

Make sure that you do absolutely nothing the week before your wedding!  Book a full pamper session and let your bridesmaids help with the last minute things...€  I was terribly stressed the week before and the only regret I have is that I was busy with the planning right up until the night before...€  Do loads of forward planning and sit back and relax and enjoy the moment!  It happens so quickly!!

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